Monday 19 May 2014

Finally. Evaluation.

And now... the end is near... and so I face...

Evaluation is the last phase in the developing, implementing and upgrading a clinical information system. As its name implies, the CIS is now evaluated in here, whether it passed the specifications and has answered the things discussed in the earlier phases, specially in the first phase. Essentially, this is where the first and last phases meets. Read more...

Training Time

Training may be seemingly easy, but it is one of the most crucial phase 
in developing, implementing and upgrading a CIS.

Training, the sixth phase in developing, implementing and upgrading clinical information systems, includes the databases, processing logic, and outputs of the system’s features and functions. Read more...

Sunday 18 May 2014


So what's common with World of Warcraft and Clinical Information Systems?
A lot. Apparently.

Testing is the fifth phase in the developing, implementing and upgrading a clinical information system. Read more...

Short Development

What are they doing?

What is the two men above trying to achieve? Can a heart rotate? Can a snail be fast? Can a shrimp be really secretly an evil overlord? What is the fourth phase in the developing, implementing and upgrading a clinical information system? Want to find out? Read on...

Saturday 17 May 2014

The Analysis Phase


System Analysis is the second phase in developing, implementing and upgrading a clinical information system. It includes, two phases, the Fact Finding Phase, and the actual Systems Analysis phase. Read more...

Friday 16 May 2014

Into Designing

"Lunch anyone?"

In Systems Design, the third phase in developing, implementing and upgrading a clinical information system, there are three parts taken care of, namely: Functional Specification, Technical Specification and Implementation Planning. Read more...

Planning Continued

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

After the Identification of the CIS Management Team, the next steps in planning are the following:

b.)    Definition of the Problem
c.)     Feasibility Study
d.)    Environmental Assessment
e.)    Development of a Project Timeline
f.)     Giving of Recommendations
g.)    Documentation and Negotiation of a Project Scope Agreement
h.)    Allocation of Resources